Allocation of Lionthorn Planning Gain
Key Issues:
Following on from the recent publication and public meeting on the proposed spend of the planning gain fund. Residents have raised a number of serious reservations/objections around the Council plan for an extensive extended play area. The joint residents associations have consulted with residents and worked closely with Councillor Patrick to develop an alternative proposal.
The Proposal is built around 3 main themes, Community, Safety and Environment. There main 4 elements to it are :
1. (Community) The erection of a community resource centre at Fox Covet Lionthorn Woodland for use as a resource centre including ground works, furnishing and contribution to future costs.
2. (Community/Environment ) Community Garden at the east end of Lionthorn
3. Upgrade Existing/Proposed Play Areas including a kick pitch
4. (Safety) The contracting of Falkirk Council to repair and make safe the speed restrictions on Glengarry Crescent and the repair of damages walling around the area.
5. (Environment) Remaining funds to be used to contract Council/Greenbelt to carry out additional planting and fish stocking.
Action Required:
Residents can provide comment on the proposal
Background detail:
The proposal is based on adding long term value and benefit to all residents both now and in the future. The opportunity to show that the Council, Residents and Greenbelt can work effectively together is one of the key founding blocks of the proposal
1. Community Resource Centre
The proposed centre would be a log cabin style to blend into the local surroundings. The facilities would include one private meeting room, one large meeting area, toilet and kitchen area.
KEOPPS & Finn forest both provide suitable cabins. KEOPPS enable you to design your own cabin.
Multi use hall can be used by:
- Woodland Rangers
- Lionthorn Community Woodland Group
- Lionthorn Community Council
- Local Schools to use as a resource centre
- Groups like Falkirk School of Kung Fu
- Lionthorn Residents Association
- Local cllrs surgeries
This spend will have long term benefits that be available to all future residents
PR opportunity for Council, Greenbelt and Residents Association to show joined up working.
Opportunity to hire out hall to local residents for children’s parties & community classes (dance, martial arts, keep fit etc.)
Private room
Large meeting area
As a minimum:
The private room would consist of office furniture (desk & 4 chairs, filing cabinets)
Kitchen area – would have sink, fridge, 2 cupboards and would be stocked with kettle, mugs & spoons
Large meeting area would require approx. 25 stackable chairs & 3 large collapsible tables
Half a dozen car park spaces would be required
Security provisions – alarms, fencing, windows protected, monitored systems
Maintenance – structural & internal
Management – collection of fees, co-ordinating bookings, policing use, securing building
We would like the council to take on responsibility for the building once the building is operational & paid for initially from planning gain.
2. Community Garden
There is a large area of unused land at the east end of the estate that could be utilised for a community garden area. The estate would benefit greatly from the area being ‘tidied up’ and put to good use.
Not only would it be an attractive entrance to the Lionthorn estate, it would provide an additional outdoor space available to the local community. Consultation with local children would be fostered to give them ownership of the space encouraging them to become involved in the development and upkeep of the area.
Improves the overall appearance of the estate
Opportunity to develop more outdoor space that can be enjoyed by the local community
Encourages more residents to become actively involved within the Lionthorn community
3. Upgrade Existing/Proposed Play Areas
The play area in Achray Drive currently has bark as a ground surface however this is proving to be unsuitable. A new rubber surface would be much safer and more durable for the play park which experiences regular use. The new surface would also neaten up the park area and require less maintenance than the existing surface.
Funding would also be made available to add another play area at the Venacher place open space, as detailed on original plans. This would provide an addition play park within the estate that would benefit from the added security of being surrounded by houses.
In addition the buildings of a kick pitch as per the original plans at the entrance to Fox Covert. However this should be paid for by Persimmon as it was in their plan.
The residents associations would also consider a scaled down play area of some description at this site.
· Areas become safer for children to play
· More activities for the local residents
3. Road proposals
The current speed bumps around Glengarry Crescent are a major cause of compliant to residents. The natures of the bumps mean that wheels are effectively caught between two kerb stones. The residents value the speed restricting methods but feel that they cause excessive impact to vehicles. It is also proposed that a mini roundabout (raised paint)is placed at the point where Glengarry Crescent splits. There have been a series of very near misses and road rage incidents where residents have not given way to traffic from the right.
It is proposed that the kerb stones are removed and a smooth tar macadam ramp is used.
The Roads department have been contacted for consultation.
Reduced potential for claims against the Council for car damage
Reduced cost to Council as improvement work will be paid for by residents, some work will need to be carried out in the near future to repair existing ramps.
Clearer road markings
Happier residents
PR opportunity for Council and Residents Association to show joined up working
4. Wall reconstruction and tidy up
There are a number of damaged walls and eye sores around the area. In particular, the wall at Graeme Place (near to the bus stop at the west end of Lionthorn Road) which needs reconstructing. Bricks from this wall have been used as missiles thrown at cars and have been placed in the road and bus stop area with the intent to cause damage to vehicles. The wall at the post box in the middle of Lionthorn Road has been missing coping stones for a number of years. The coping stones are all there, they just need to be refitted and secured.
Any additional funds can be used to plant out the green areas with the assistance of Greenbelt and tidy up the gorse bush area that runs the length of Lionthorn Road and parallel to Farquharson Way/Glengarry Crescent. This area is currently very untidy and would benefit from a sympathetic replanting.
If funds allow ornamental or native fish could also be stocked into the main suds ponds in the Persimmon/Scotia estate to add interest to the water features.
Dialog is underway with Greenbelt to establish which species of fish will best suit the water conditions. It may be that this is carried out in a phased approach with the initial introduction of fresh water muscles to increase water quality.
In addition to the stocking of the suds, the purchase & installation of a pontoon to allow ducks to be fed in the shallow sud with secure fencing should also be built
Area is tidied up and looks fresher
Less likelihood of damage being caused by loose and dangerous building material
Adding fish to suds will increase wild life diversity and also decrease excessive insect life
PR opportunity for Council, Greenbelt and Residents Association to show joined up working
Sunday, 10 August 2008
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Firstly, great work you are all doing for us and really pleased about the result with Greenbelt, they certainly seem to be improving!
Regarding the gain proposal, (my apologies for sounding a but dumb), but how can we comment on your proposals without first seeing the council's own plans for an "extensive play area". We would also want to know your concerns with their proposal before commenting. Having young children, the sound of an "extensive play area" on the face of it seems a great idea and just what the area needs.
Can you post the council plans along with your concerns on here for example??
Bracken Avenue.
again I agree with the previous comment and would like to thank you for doing a great job . I have not seen the council's plans for the play area and would be of benefit before I make comment.
I agree with the above comments, having not seen the council's plans or indeed seen documentation of the association's concerns I feel that the alternative proposals given cannot be fully considered. It would be helpful if these could be made available?
The ammended proposals sound better than the original plans, but as the previous comments note,we would need further information and in more detail. I would like to know more of the agreement to be entered into with the Council on the running and maintenance of the cabin and the play area(is it to come out of their budget?is it to be partiall/fully self funding?)The devil is in the detail.
a big thank you to the team for taking the time to be involved in this--it's for all of our benefit, and much appreciated.
I haven't seen the details of the council proposal either. Have they attempted to share it with the residents? How do we access it on line?
I believe that whatever the residents association plans are, they have the best interest of all Lionthorn residents in mind.
Another vote of thanks to the LRA members, but also another vote in agreement with the other posts. I have not seen the plans for the extensive play area, however I would prefer this option to that of erecting a 'hut' which would ultimately be used for the local youths to congregate at, at night, drinking, smoking and showing off their cars etc. I echo the comments on who is paying for maintenance and electricity too, plenty of other places to have our meetings.
Anything other than a gang hut please!!
Another suggestion could be to complete the floodlit walkway onto Lionthorn Road which abruptly stops at the ash park. I thought thats what I voted for when the original options from the council came out, but it seems work is at an end. This would benefit commuters ti the High Station, people walking to and from the town and nursery goers. I think this would be a good use of some of the funds, but that's only my opinion.
Looking forward to the next update, carry on with the good work.
Achray Drive
I've seen the plans and I like the idea of the play area, my grandchildren would love it!!
I dont't think there is a necessity to upgrade the bark at the playparks, just stop taking dogs in.
Bob and Linda x
all please see the information above re council options
Lionthorn Residents: Council Options for use of planning Gain
Having seen the council's original plans for the extensive play area I am still strongly against this option. This area is a place of natural beauty and would be wasted by a play park bigger than the one at Calendar Park. It would attract visitors from all over Falkirk and along with it more traffic, noise and all and sundry hanging about at night in the extensive seating area. Calendar Park play area is locked at night and for good reason. It is very disappointing that the Council can only come up with play areas as a way to spend the planning gain money. I agree with the previous comment re developing the paths etc towards the station. The "hut" would also present similar issues with regard to youths congregating at night.
Is there any information on the next steps the council will take and how we can object to their plans?
I do support the work of the residents committee it can be a thankless task trying to please everyone.
However,I am quite suspicious and cynical of designers, architechts and the Council planners, having had to work with them on the odd occasion. They love positive publicity and winning awards and using the jargon of "joined up working" yuchhh!!.It is important to keep them firmly set on our brief or they will railroad us with what is good for them.
I wonder how the brief was originally so child/playpark centered? There are a few of us grown ups living here too.
There are areas all over Falkirk that have had amenities just "put there", that do not incorporate any staffing or long term planning(yes, I remember the "parkies")and left to become no-go areas frequented by bored teenagers.
All residents need to gain something from these proposals and I hope that we don't end up regretting any of it when the planners have walked away from it all.
The Community Woodland Group considered the planning gain options which affect the Woods at our last committee meeting. We are not have any use for a 'resource centre' or hut and have not been consulted about this proposal. We would not be in favour of any playpark which intruded into Fox Covert Wood but believe there is scope for a reduced playpark proposal including some form of all-weather pitch. We believe that a small number of parking spaces should be provided at the safeguarded site for the use of wood visitors - school groups, Braveheart etc. We would be concerned that stocking the SUDS ponds with fish would significantly reduce the value of these ponds to frogs, toads and newts as the fish would eat the amphibians' young.
Other than these points we are just keen to see the money being spent quickly to enhance the area for all residents. It does seem a bit of a waste to have to spend this one-off funding on routine, 'maintenance' type issues (e.g. walls, speed bumps) which should really be sorted by the Council.
Woodland Group, I am confused... I thought that the Chairperson of the Barratt Group Doris, is that her name? was also on your group?
Thanks to the Resident Group, I have read the Council proposal and believe that you come up with a fair alternative.
I am glad somebody is finaly going to do something about the bottum of Glengarry Crescant and those god awful speed bumps
I am in favour of creating more bio diversity in the suds area. With careful selection of species the group could increase and maintain an effective community. I would be very happy to help out with this.
Lionthorn Community Woodland Association, you appear to have missed the point here. A natural balance will find it's own level within a small number of years. If you have spent anytime in the are recently you may have noticed an abundance of biting insects. It would take a substantial number of amphibians to reduce the population.
I think if the solution is properly investigated fish could be a very sensible addition to the area. In particular the addition on the muscles would significantly benefit the water quality. The group would have to look very carefully about the species that they introduced but again I would be very happy to assist.
At last we have seen progress, I thought that the money would never be spent. I do not like the Council proposals. i am not in favour of the resource centre but am happy with the rest. I would be very interested in the cabling proposal
was cabling the area an option? I have real trouble with my broadband connection and would lover aviable alternative
Thanks to my wife for spotting my error - I meant mussels not muscles.. it has been a long week
Thanks to the residents group for spending time on these issues.
I would like to see the small kickabout area being built, with a general upgrade to the existing play areas, common walkways, planted areas & walls etc around the estate.
The idea of spending most of the capital on a single large play area does not sound like the way to go - a general upgrade seems like a fairer distribution & would not burden the residents in the immediate proximity of the proposed new park.
Repairing the 'Glengarry Mountains' is long overdue - these speed bumps should never have been accepted in the first place.
I don't like the sound of a roundabout being painted onto the bottom of Glengarry Crescent - this is just a regular unmarked junction where common sense should be applied. A roundabout would look out of place & is not required in my opinion.
I agree we should do something with the speed bumps. I disagree with the previous #18 comments. Something should be done to make traffic give way. a mini marked roundabout would be good
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