Wednesday, 11 June 2008

walk round notes - 10/06/08

Here are the spotted defects from the walkround with Greenbelt

Barrat/Bryant 1016:

1. Check landscape plan for original planting at Clanranald and Farquharson
2. Tidy up gorse bed – grub up & replant
3. Check for ownership of verge (possibly Council)
4. Gap plant shrubs (20no. cornus var. + 20 lonicera) play park area
5. Lop dead branch on tree at Play Area
6. Monitor & consider gap planting (kids foot traffic)
7. Strim base of bank
8. Spray out weeds on filter drain (base of play park slope)
9. Mackenzie place woodland - Stump grind tree pegs & consider future management as long grass
Additional thinning of woodland would accelerate growth (not desired)
10. Mackenzie place woodland -Spray out growth on filter drain -
11. Mackenzie place woodland - Write to resident re. encroachment
12. Mackenzie place woodland - Inspect woodland fringe & check fence clearance
13. Mackenzie place woodland - Monitor & consider repair on fence
14. Install padlock to gate strip between Bett estate
15. Gap plant area on top of retaining wall
16. Letter resident re. prunings/topped trees (conservatory built)
17. Patch / re-seed small area

Bett 1195:

1. Repair/replace gate post & check closure on gate in Play Area DM
2. Gap planting required behind Play Area DM
3. Strim & spray out 1m strip at fence backs DM
4. Weed control required at path egress DM
5. Weed control at corner (thistles) DM

Persimmon/ Scotia 1195:

6. Letter to resident re. encroachment FC
7. Beat up of planting around SUDS (20%) DM
8. Install gate for access to SUDS DM
9. Gap planting of shrubs DM
10. Selective herbicide to grass (Broadsword) DM
11. Remove grass/shrubs an replant as per landscape plan DM
12. Consider change of surface on narrow shrub bed (14m p/w fence + chips) FC
13. Play Area concerns:- Bolt repair on hammock, gates not self closing,
Handle broken on seesaw/rocker, bearing on Birds Nest R/A,
Dog fouling in bin, cat faeces in bark. FC/GGL
14. Strim down banking DM
15. Surface path & plant edge DM
16. Debris & general condition of ditch FC/GGL
17. Tarmac remaining under soil FC/GGL

FC – F.Cumming (Greenbelt Group Ltd) DM – D. Moore (MG Contracting)
RA – Residents Association GGL - Greenbelt Group Ltd

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