Meeting Lionthorn Residents Association (Barratt & Bryan) @ Wheelhouse Camelon 20.00 07/08/08.
1. Security Update
There have been a number of strange incidents in the estate ranging from padlock theft, broken lights to removal of gate screws. Some of these incidents have been reported to the Police. The common theme seems to be around the incidents happening on bin day. All committee members should raise awareness of security issues to residents in there area. The postman also advised that he will pass the word out amongst the post workers to be extra vigilant of strange activities.
AP - All to spread word to local residents
Concerns were also raised around the gap area between the Bett and Bryant sites. This will be addressed in the Greenbelt update.
2. Planning Gain
There has been very little visible activity from the Council regarding the planning for the spending of the £350K. Councillor Patrick did advise that a public meeting would be held soon.
Doris suggested that perhaps we should look for a community hall to be built. David advised that there have been usage issues with the Hallglen facility and it is unlikely that the council would go for this.
It was also raised concern about the influence that Mitchel Place and Abbotsmoss residents have on the spending of the funds. The developers for these sites did not contribute to the fund.
AP - Richard to raise with Scotia/Persimmon/Bett group for their views
3. Greenbelt update
Richard has been working closely with Greenbelt for the last couple of months to resolve the outstanding issues on the estate. Repairs have been made to the fence and the gate is now locked off at Mitchell Place.
An update was also given on the public meeting held by the West Lothian MP Jim Devine. Other estates have had similar communication issues with Greenbelt. Richard has met with the customer service team and discussed the new communication strategy. RIchard also advised that he is happy to remain the main point of contact for Greenbelt.
A meeting is planned for a walk around of the new estates on Thursday 09/08.
A discussion was also held about the gap site between the Bett and Bryant estates. This gap is being used by local children and is causing problems for adjoining residents. There are two suggestions - fence the area off at road side and plant bushes such as Berberis and Hawthorne to restrict and discourage access. Both will be raised with Greenbelt.
The owner of Lionthorne cottage is restricting access at the top end of the venell to stop unwanted access to his land.
David also asked about the vandalism of the play park area and the graffiti that is still there (a year after it was promised t be removed.)
Robert also raised the issue of the coping stone at the wall next to the Postbox. Richard has been in consultation with the Council and Greenbelt. The wall is not on any plan and is outwith Greenbelt's area of responsibility. Richard will continue to liaise with both parties to seek a satisfactory outcome.
AP Richard/Committee Work with Council to resolve the issue
Greenbelt have also offered to send out newsletters on our behalf. It was agreed that an information bulletin would be drafted and passed to Greenbelt for distribution.
The welcome letter for new residents was also discussed and this will be resent round for approval before sending to GB to send along with their information pack to new residents
AP - Committee to approve and sign off welcome letter - draft attached - David to coordinate, Richard to send to GB once approved
AP - A volunteer is needed to draft the first bulletin - to be agreed by 17/08
4. Working closer/merging with new residents association.
Discussions were held on the merits of working closer with the new association. It was agreed that we would not merge at this time but work closely with them. Invites will be passed on to attend our meetings. David and Richard will attend a meeting on 27/08 of the new associations committee
5. AGM
AGM is likely to be held in November. This will be discussed further at next Committee meeting.
6. Neighbourhood Watch
Scotia/Persimmon committee are investigating a neighbourhood watch scheme. Richard suggested we should work with them on this. It was agreed that we should await further details from the investigation.
Post Meeting update
1. The meeting with Greenbelt highlighted a number of outstanding issues with new estates
Greenbelt have agreed to fence of the area between the two estates and look at restrictive planting. The area along the side of Lionthorn Road is now planted. GB will request that Persimmon supply additional top soil to encourage better plant growth.
Greenbelt have agreed that they will strim the area closest to the corner house in Mitchel Place and then also stop strimming so far back at the side of the residents garage to discourage access to the now locked gate. They will also look at bare root planting of Hawthorne to discourage access. The woodland is within the management plan as we have full canopy growth. This will be continued to be monitored. The plan for the site shows the access strip of grass running approx 2/3m from road to where the natural woodland is to be left.
AP - David/anyone who knows the owner of Lionthorn cottage - Can we check what plans the owner has for restricting access to the vennel - GB will still need maintenance access
There was not time to discuss the play area but this will be brought up at the next GB meeting.
2. The Planning gain issue was raised with the Scotia group and their views were that as we have a larger number of residents that our views should hold final say with the council. We cannot stop the council consulting with all residents. The issue of interest on the fund was also discussed.
This will be discussed further at the meeting on the 27th. Initial thoughts are were that a Community Resource centre would be a good idea. Discussions will also need to be had with thewoodland rangers, perhaps this could be used as a base
3. The committee also welcomed our joint approach. Although were disappointed about merging the groups.
Next meeting 18 September - venue tba
Saturday, 18 August 2007
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