Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Planning Gain update

As you will recall from the newsletter there is Committee Approval to split the developer contributions between one major recreational project and a range of smaller projects. The major proposal relates to the Policy Bing and is to provide pitches, a multi-use games area and landscaping. Included in the smaller scale projects are landscape and environmental improvements to the east of Lionthorn, and the enhancement of the Fox Covert parking area.

Work is ongoing on the implementation of these projects, and an internal officer working group has been established to oversee progress on the various projects, and establish responsibility for their implementation. The major project at the Policy Bing will be taken forward by FC’s Community Services, and work has commenced in assessing ground conditions, costs, master planning and match funding opportunities. I would stress that this is a complex project which in terms of timescale, Community Services have indicated 2-3 years to complete.

Central Scotland Forest Trust (CSFT) is currently working on a masterplan for planting/environmental proposals for the area to the east of Lionthorn, and have already produced some outline proposals for internal discussion purposes. These proposals will very much provide a landscape setting for the sports provision at the Policy Bing.

Work on proposals to enhance the Fox Cover parking area have not commenced, however a shorter timescale is envisaged for this project and it is hoped that construction could commence within a year.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Pot Holes on Glengarry Crescant

Potholes/large puddle of water
Reported in the Potholes category by Harold and Olive Millar at 12:19, Tuesday 10 February 2009
Sent to Falkirk Council less than a minute later

At the corner of Lionthorn Road and Glengarry Crescent the road has become very cut up and the water is collecting in a large puddle and not draining away. With the very frosty/snowy weather the water has turned to ice making driving around this corner extremely hazardous. The road needs to be resurfaced due to the large amount of area broken up and the drainage looked at as there is water collecting in the holes and not getting away. Thank you for fixing it for us we really appreciate all the work you do for us.

UPDATE FROM THE COUNCIL -------------------------

The problem at the junction is as a result of poor reinstatement work by public utilitys or more likely remedial work carried out by the developer.

I intend to fill the depressions and holes in the surface in the next 2 weeks. It is likely that this will be an interim measure which will fill the holes and reduce the ponding. I also intend to carry out a level survey and check the ponding problems after rain as there are a number of patches which appears to have affected the road drainage. Once this work is completed I will be in a position to determine how much patching is required. I trust that this information is satisfactory meantime